Jason Gortician Retires From Usenet
(too old to reply)
90% Black Wind of Death
2004-04-01 19:07:48 UTC
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement from
Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing houses
regarding the release of his first full-length book "Growing Up
Gortician". Here is a brief excerpt:

My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician

You'll love this. I've dropped acid several hundred times, and it
eventually brought on a few bouts of schizophrenia. I used to attribute
every bizarre occurrence to coincidence or schizophrenia. In retrospect,
something more was at work. I must confess to reading David Icke for fun.

Early on, an officer who arrested me on a nonsense charge was soon
thereafter killed by two drunk driving students from Louisiana School for
the Deaf. This was the beginning of a long, strange chain of events.

It's sort of hard to begin to explain schizophrenia. There are a number
of aspects I've experienced. For one, I actually experienced a lot of
books I've read, and movies I've seen. It's sort of a Walter Mitty on
meth. Fun, actually, if it never gets out of hand. Vonnegut, Dick,
Heinlein, King. Each of these writers describes certain aspects, or
influenced my thoughts to a degree.

Some ten years later, I was arrested for sleepwalking across campus
dressed only in a pair of blue Adidas shorts. I had been tripping for a
week or so, at Mardi gras and the honors convention in New Orleans. I had
my first weird "Stephen King" incident, in which I met a New Orleans
professor who looked an awful lot like a very tall King.

So I was accosted as I was walking across campus. Rightly so, I suppose.
But two campus cops were dispatched to talk to me. They say I cursed at
someone as I was walking? Quite possibly, as I was essentially

I more or less began to wake up when confronted by these two police. But
I got a very uncool vibe from the two of them, you might say. Nothing
came to mind so much as a UFO comic I had read in the 70s as a child. It
said something to the effect that the people (a pair?) who approached Lot
for his daughters were in fact aliens. So I guess that stuck with me. I
must point out that I've never considered myself at all religious or even

At any rate, one had glasses and one didn't, and they struck me as quite
odd. A struggle and macing ensued. I spent a few weeks in the local
mental ward, and then jail.

I made a joke about it shortly after I began to recover from a major
freak-out: "They say I bit one cop and punched another one in the
stomach, but I distinctly remember turning into a dinosaur-type thing and
eating them."

Ha ha.

As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but persuaded a
neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in order to evict us
from campus. Almost at the very time I was in the administration offices
answering these false charges, the girl's father, who happened to live a
few houses down from our own residence in that town, had his hand badly
smashed, and his St. Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.

The encounter I had upon the day of our arrival back home was an odd one
indeed. When I had left school, I had also left work. My boss was a
female, and while I don't want to say she had reptilian qualities, she
certainly had unique characteristics. At any rate, while speaking to the
girl's father, and learning he was injured, etc., I "saw" my boss's
persona in another person, a female, who was accompanying him. My ex-
boss, through her, essentially told me to take care of myself. It was
odd, seeing one person's essence inside another in that manner, with such
vivid clarity. Voice, intonation, body gestures, etc. were all that of
another person entirely. This was not the only time this sort of thing

So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was murdered in
the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at the house that
night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it, but I had a really
vivid dream that night. It was essentially a nightmare, involving a
reptilian Stephen King the size and dimension of a refrigerator. But I
didn't pay much attention to that. Because when I went back to campus a
few days later, we were pulled over and questioned in relation to the
campus murder. Thus marking the first time I was loosely associated with
what was termed at the time, a "serial killing".

Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few split-seconds, I
saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like myself, but like a
reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with yellow saurian eyes.

Hmmm. I didn't really think it was a big deal, at the time. When we did
return to campus, I remember locking eyes with a black female, out of a
sizable crowd. She had cat or lizard eyes, and showed me her fangs. This
sort of thing is par for the course for schizophrenia, as far as I can
tell. How else can I explain it all to myself?

Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or I am a
shape-shifting reptilian myself.

So, just as a closer, I then took a trip to Florida. After circumstances
led me to, if I recall, 33rd and Mason?, I actually obtained a bricklayer
job a few days later. As it turns out, I had left my lights on at my
first day of work. A telephone lineman walked by, and a few minutes later
returned. He informed me lights were on, and when I thanked him, he said
"Anything for you, buddy", in a voice that was chillingly that of Stephen
King's, especially his one-liners that he gives in many cameos in his own

Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain. I'm fine now, of course. No
more psychedelics for me. Strange coincidences? Not around here. No cases
of ESP, evidence of mutation. No recent contrails over the town of
Ruston, Louisiana. Just an average nuclear family, attending college. Oh
me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi writer. --Jason
Troll my message board and I will beat your ass
2004-04-02 05:46:20 UTC
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement
from Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing
houses regarding the release of his first full-length book
My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician
You'll love this. I've dropped acid several hundred times, and it
eventually brought on a few bouts of schizophrenia. I used to
attribute every bizarre occurrence to coincidence or
schizophrenia. In retrospect, something more was at work. I must
confess to reading David Icke for fun.
Early on, an officer who arrested me on a nonsense charge was soon
thereafter killed by two drunk driving students from Louisiana
School for the Deaf. This was the beginning of a long, strange
chain of events.
It's sort of hard to begin to explain schizophrenia. There are a
number of aspects I've experienced. For one, I actually
experienced a lot of books I've read, and movies I've seen. It's
sort of a Walter Mitty on meth. Fun, actually, if it never gets
out of hand. Vonnegut, Dick, Heinlein, King. Each of these writers
describes certain aspects, or influenced my thoughts to a degree.
Some ten years later, I was arrested for sleepwalking across
campus dressed only in a pair of blue Adidas shorts. I had been
tripping for a week or so, at Mardi gras and the honors convention
in New Orleans. I had my first weird "Stephen King" incident, in
which I met a New Orleans professor who looked an awful lot like a
very tall King.
So I was accosted as I was walking across campus. Rightly so, I
suppose. But two campus cops were dispatched to talk to me. They
say I cursed at someone as I was walking? Quite possibly, as I was
essentially unconscious.
I more or less began to wake up when confronted by these two
police. But I got a very uncool vibe from the two of them, you
might say. Nothing came to mind so much as a UFO comic I had read
in the 70s as a child. It said something to the effect that the
people (a pair?) who approached Lot for his daughters were in fact
aliens. So I guess that stuck with me. I must point out that I've
never considered myself at all religious or even spiritual.
At any rate, one had glasses and one didn't, and they struck me as
quite odd. A struggle and macing ensued. I spent a few weeks in
the local mental ward, and then jail.
I made a joke about it shortly after I began to recover from a
major freak-out: "They say I bit one cop and punched another one
in the stomach, but I distinctly remember turning into a
dinosaur-type thing and eating them."
Ha ha.
As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but
persuaded a neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in
order to evict us from campus. Almost at the very time I was in
the administration offices answering these false charges, the
girl's father, who happened to live a few houses down from our own
residence in that town, had his hand badly smashed, and his St.
Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.
The encounter I had upon the day of our arrival back home was an
odd one indeed. When I had left school, I had also left work. My
boss was a female, and while I don't want to say she had reptilian
qualities, she certainly had unique characteristics. At any rate,
while speaking to the girl's father, and learning he was injured,
etc., I "saw" my boss's persona in another person, a female, who
was accompanying him. My ex- boss, through her, essentially told
me to take care of myself. It was odd, seeing one person's essence
inside another in that manner, with such vivid clarity. Voice,
intonation, body gestures, etc. were all that of another person
entirely. This was not the only time this sort of thing happened.
So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was
murdered in the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at
the house that night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it,
but I had a really vivid dream that night. It was essentially a
nightmare, involving a reptilian Stephen King the size and
dimension of a refrigerator. But I didn't pay much attention to
that. Because when I went back to campus a few days later, we were
pulled over and questioned in relation to the campus murder. Thus
marking the first time I was loosely associated with what was
termed at the time, a "serial killing".
Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few
split-seconds, I saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like
myself, but like a reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with
yellow saurian eyes.
Hmmm. I didn't really think it was a big deal, at the time. When
we did return to campus, I remember locking eyes with a black
female, out of a sizable crowd. She had cat or lizard eyes, and
showed me her fangs. This sort of thing is par for the course for
schizophrenia, as far as I can tell. How else can I explain it all
to myself?
Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or
I am a shape-shifting reptilian myself.
So, just as a closer, I then took a trip to Florida. After
circumstances led me to, if I recall, 33rd and Mason?, I actually
obtained a bricklayer job a few days later. As it turns out, I had
left my lights on at my first day of work. A telephone lineman
walked by, and a few minutes later returned. He informed me lights
were on, and when I thanked him, he said "Anything for you,
buddy", in a voice that was chillingly that of Stephen King's,
especially his one-liners that he gives in many cameos in his own
Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain. I'm fine now, of
course. No more psychedelics for me. Strange coincidences? Not
around here. No cases of ESP, evidence of mutation. No recent
contrails over the town of Ruston, Louisiana. Just an average
nuclear family, attending college. Oh me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi
writer. --Jason
Are you gonna release one of those audio books?
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
jgs | | /
Smeeter #30-something '-------------'`
No Junk
2004-04-11 01:23:44 UTC

I AM a SPAMMER who e-mails people saying 'I am emailing you because we
have been in touch before.'

But that's because I am not worried about spam. Hey it's part of my
busines! That's why I don't mind if I get spammed myself.
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement from
Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing houses
regarding the release of his first full-length book "Growing Up
My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician
You'll love this. I've dropped acid several hundred times, and it
eventually brought on a few bouts of schizophrenia. I used to attribute
every bizarre occurrence to coincidence or schizophrenia. In retrospect,
something more was at work. I must confess to reading David Icke for fun.
Early on, an officer who arrested me on a nonsense charge was soon
thereafter killed by two drunk driving students from Louisiana School for
the Deaf. This was the beginning of a long, strange chain of events.
It's sort of hard to begin to explain schizophrenia. There are a number
of aspects I've experienced. For one, I actually experienced a lot of
books I've read, and movies I've seen. It's sort of a Walter Mitty on
meth. Fun, actually, if it never gets out of hand. Vonnegut, Dick,
Heinlein, King. Each of these writers describes certain aspects, or
influenced my thoughts to a degree.
Some ten years later, I was arrested for sleepwalking across campus
dressed only in a pair of blue Adidas shorts. I had been tripping for a
week or so, at Mardi gras and the honors convention in New Orleans. I had
my first weird "Stephen King" incident, in which I met a New Orleans
professor who looked an awful lot like a very tall King.
So I was accosted as I was walking across campus. Rightly so, I suppose.
But two campus cops were dispatched to talk to me. They say I cursed at
someone as I was walking? Quite possibly, as I was essentially
I more or less began to wake up when confronted by these two police. But
I got a very uncool vibe from the two of them, you might say. Nothing
came to mind so much as a UFO comic I had read in the 70s as a child. It
said something to the effect that the people (a pair?) who approached Lot
for his daughters were in fact aliens. So I guess that stuck with me. I
must point out that I've never considered myself at all religious or even
At any rate, one had glasses and one didn't, and they struck me as quite
odd. A struggle and macing ensued. I spent a few weeks in the local
mental ward, and then jail.
I made a joke about it shortly after I began to recover from a major
freak-out: "They say I bit one cop and punched another one in the
stomach, but I distinctly remember turning into a dinosaur-type thing and
eating them."
Ha ha.
As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but persuaded a
neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in order to evict us
from campus. Almost at the very time I was in the administration offices
answering these false charges, the girl's father, who happened to live a
few houses down from our own residence in that town, had his hand badly
smashed, and his St. Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.
The encounter I had upon the day of our arrival back home was an odd one
indeed. When I had left school, I had also left work. My boss was a
female, and while I don't want to say she had reptilian qualities, she
certainly had unique characteristics. At any rate, while speaking to the
girl's father, and learning he was injured, etc., I "saw" my boss's
persona in another person, a female, who was accompanying him. My ex-
boss, through her, essentially told me to take care of myself. It was
odd, seeing one person's essence inside another in that manner, with such
vivid clarity. Voice, intonation, body gestures, etc. were all that of
another person entirely. This was not the only time this sort of thing
So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was murdered in
the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at the house that
night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it, but I had a really
vivid dream that night. It was essentially a nightmare, involving a
reptilian Stephen King the size and dimension of a refrigerator. But I
didn't pay much attention to that. Because when I went back to campus a
few days later, we were pulled over and questioned in relation to the
campus murder. Thus marking the first time I was loosely associated with
what was termed at the time, a "serial killing".
Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few split-seconds, I
saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like myself, but like a
reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with yellow saurian eyes.
Hmmm. I didn't really think it was a big deal, at the time. When we did
return to campus, I remember locking eyes with a black female, out of a
sizable crowd. She had cat or lizard eyes, and showed me her fangs. This
sort of thing is par for the course for schizophrenia, as far as I can
tell. How else can I explain it all to myself?
Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or I am a
shape-shifting reptilian myself.
So, just as a closer, I then took a trip to Florida. After circumstances
led me to, if I recall, 33rd and Mason?, I actually obtained a bricklayer
job a few days later. As it turns out, I had left my lights on at my
first day of work. A telephone lineman walked by, and a few minutes later
returned. He informed me lights were on, and when I thanked him, he said
"Anything for you, buddy", in a voice that was chillingly that of Stephen
King's, especially his one-liners that he gives in many cameos in his own
Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain. I'm fine now, of course. No
more psychedelics for me. Strange coincidences? Not around here. No cases
of ESP, evidence of mutation. No recent contrails over the town of
Ruston, Louisiana. Just an average nuclear family, attending college. Oh
me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi writer. --Jason
Troll my message board and I will beat your ass
No Junk
2004-04-11 01:23:53 UTC

I AM a SPAMMER who e-mails people saying 'I am emailing you because we
have been in touch before.'

But that's because I am not worried about spam. Hey it's part of my
busines! That's why I don't mind if I get spammed myself.
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement from
Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing houses
regarding the release of his first full-length book "Growing Up
My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician
You'll love this. I've dropped acid several hundred times, and it
eventually brought on a few bouts of schizophrenia. I used to attribute
every bizarre occurrence to coincidence or schizophrenia. In retrospect,
something more was at work. I must confess to reading David Icke for fun.
Early on, an officer who arrested me on a nonsense charge was soon
thereafter killed by two drunk driving students from Louisiana School for
the Deaf. This was the beginning of a long, strange chain of events.
It's sort of hard to begin to explain schizophrenia. There are a number
of aspects I've experienced. For one, I actually experienced a lot of
books I've read, and movies I've seen. It's sort of a Walter Mitty on
meth. Fun, actually, if it never gets out of hand. Vonnegut, Dick,
Heinlein, King. Each of these writers describes certain aspects, or
influenced my thoughts to a degree.
Some ten years later, I was arrested for sleepwalking across campus
dressed only in a pair of blue Adidas shorts. I had been tripping for a
week or so, at Mardi gras and the honors convention in New Orleans. I had
my first weird "Stephen King" incident, in which I met a New Orleans
professor who looked an awful lot like a very tall King.
So I was accosted as I was walking across campus. Rightly so, I suppose.
But two campus cops were dispatched to talk to me. They say I cursed at
someone as I was walking? Quite possibly, as I was essentially
I more or less began to wake up when confronted by these two police. But
I got a very uncool vibe from the two of them, you might say. Nothing
came to mind so much as a UFO comic I had read in the 70s as a child. It
said something to the effect that the people (a pair?) who approached Lot
for his daughters were in fact aliens. So I guess that stuck with me. I
must point out that I've never considered myself at all religious or even
At any rate, one had glasses and one didn't, and they struck me as quite
odd. A struggle and macing ensued. I spent a few weeks in the local
mental ward, and then jail.
I made a joke about it shortly after I began to recover from a major
freak-out: "They say I bit one cop and punched another one in the
stomach, but I distinctly remember turning into a dinosaur-type thing and
eating them."
Ha ha.
As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but persuaded a
neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in order to evict us
from campus. Almost at the very time I was in the administration offices
answering these false charges, the girl's father, who happened to live a
few houses down from our own residence in that town, had his hand badly
smashed, and his St. Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.
The encounter I had upon the day of our arrival back home was an odd one
indeed. When I had left school, I had also left work. My boss was a
female, and while I don't want to say she had reptilian qualities, she
certainly had unique characteristics. At any rate, while speaking to the
girl's father, and learning he was injured, etc., I "saw" my boss's
persona in another person, a female, who was accompanying him. My ex-
boss, through her, essentially told me to take care of myself. It was
odd, seeing one person's essence inside another in that manner, with such
vivid clarity. Voice, intonation, body gestures, etc. were all that of
another person entirely. This was not the only time this sort of thing
So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was murdered in
the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at the house that
night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it, but I had a really
vivid dream that night. It was essentially a nightmare, involving a
reptilian Stephen King the size and dimension of a refrigerator. But I
didn't pay much attention to that. Because when I went back to campus a
few days later, we were pulled over and questioned in relation to the
campus murder. Thus marking the first time I was loosely associated with
what was termed at the time, a "serial killing".
Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few split-seconds, I
saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like myself, but like a
reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with yellow saurian eyes.
Hmmm. I didn't really think it was a big deal, at the time. When we did
return to campus, I remember locking eyes with a black female, out of a
sizable crowd. She had cat or lizard eyes, and showed me her fangs. This
sort of thing is par for the course for schizophrenia, as far as I can
tell. How else can I explain it all to myself?
Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or I am a
shape-shifting reptilian myself.
So, just as a closer, I then took a trip to Florida. After circumstances
led me to, if I recall, 33rd and Mason?, I actually obtained a bricklayer
job a few days later. As it turns out, I had left my lights on at my
first day of work. A telephone lineman walked by, and a few minutes later
returned. He informed me lights were on, and when I thanked him, he said
"Anything for you, buddy", in a voice that was chillingly that of Stephen
King's, especially his one-liners that he gives in many cameos in his own
Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain. I'm fine now, of course. No
more psychedelics for me. Strange coincidences? Not around here. No cases
of ESP, evidence of mutation. No recent contrails over the town of
Ruston, Louisiana. Just an average nuclear family, attending college. Oh
me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi writer. --Jason
Troll my message board and I will beat your ass
No Junk
2004-04-11 01:24:01 UTC

I AM a SPAMMER who e-mails people saying 'I am emailing you because we
have been in touch before.'

But that's because I am not worried about spam. Hey it's part of my
busines! That's why I don't mind if I get spammed myself.
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement from
Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing houses
regarding the release of his first full-length book "Growing Up
My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician
You'll love this. I've dropped acid several hundred times, and it
eventually brought on a few bouts of schizophrenia. I used to attribute
every bizarre occurrence to coincidence or schizophrenia. In retrospect,
something more was at work. I must confess to reading David Icke for fun.
Early on, an officer who arrested me on a nonsense charge was soon
thereafter killed by two drunk driving students from Louisiana School for
the Deaf. This was the beginning of a long, strange chain of events.
It's sort of hard to begin to explain schizophrenia. There are a number
of aspects I've experienced. For one, I actually experienced a lot of
books I've read, and movies I've seen. It's sort of a Walter Mitty on
meth. Fun, actually, if it never gets out of hand. Vonnegut, Dick,
Heinlein, King. Each of these writers describes certain aspects, or
influenced my thoughts to a degree.
Some ten years later, I was arrested for sleepwalking across campus
dressed only in a pair of blue Adidas shorts. I had been tripping for a
week or so, at Mardi gras and the honors convention in New Orleans. I had
my first weird "Stephen King" incident, in which I met a New Orleans
professor who looked an awful lot like a very tall King.
So I was accosted as I was walking across campus. Rightly so, I suppose.
But two campus cops were dispatched to talk to me. They say I cursed at
someone as I was walking? Quite possibly, as I was essentially
I more or less began to wake up when confronted by these two police. But
I got a very uncool vibe from the two of them, you might say. Nothing
came to mind so much as a UFO comic I had read in the 70s as a child. It
said something to the effect that the people (a pair?) who approached Lot
for his daughters were in fact aliens. So I guess that stuck with me. I
must point out that I've never considered myself at all religious or even
At any rate, one had glasses and one didn't, and they struck me as quite
odd. A struggle and macing ensued. I spent a few weeks in the local
mental ward, and then jail.
I made a joke about it shortly after I began to recover from a major
freak-out: "They say I bit one cop and punched another one in the
stomach, but I distinctly remember turning into a dinosaur-type thing and
eating them."
Ha ha.
As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but persuaded a
neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in order to evict us
from campus. Almost at the very time I was in the administration offices
answering these false charges, the girl's father, who happened to live a
few houses down from our own residence in that town, had his hand badly
smashed, and his St. Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.
The encounter I had upon the day of our arrival back home was an odd one
indeed. When I had left school, I had also left work. My boss was a
female, and while I don't want to say she had reptilian qualities, she
certainly had unique characteristics. At any rate, while speaking to the
girl's father, and learning he was injured, etc., I "saw" my boss's
persona in another person, a female, who was accompanying him. My ex-
boss, through her, essentially told me to take care of myself. It was
odd, seeing one person's essence inside another in that manner, with such
vivid clarity. Voice, intonation, body gestures, etc. were all that of
another person entirely. This was not the only time this sort of thing
So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was murdered in
the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at the house that
night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it, but I had a really
vivid dream that night. It was essentially a nightmare, involving a
reptilian Stephen King the size and dimension of a refrigerator. But I
didn't pay much attention to that. Because when I went back to campus a
few days later, we were pulled over and questioned in relation to the
campus murder. Thus marking the first time I was loosely associated with
what was termed at the time, a "serial killing".
Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few split-seconds, I
saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like myself, but like a
reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with yellow saurian eyes.
Hmmm. I didn't really think it was a big deal, at the time. When we did
return to campus, I remember locking eyes with a black female, out of a
sizable crowd. She had cat or lizard eyes, and showed me her fangs. This
sort of thing is par for the course for schizophrenia, as far as I can
tell. How else can I explain it all to myself?
Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or I am a
shape-shifting reptilian myself.
So, just as a closer, I then took a trip to Florida. After circumstances
led me to, if I recall, 33rd and Mason?, I actually obtained a bricklayer
job a few days later. As it turns out, I had left my lights on at my
first day of work. A telephone lineman walked by, and a few minutes later
returned. He informed me lights were on, and when I thanked him, he said
"Anything for you, buddy", in a voice that was chillingly that of Stephen
King's, especially his one-liners that he gives in many cameos in his own
Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain. I'm fine now, of course. No
more psychedelics for me. Strange coincidences? Not around here. No cases
of ESP, evidence of mutation. No recent contrails over the town of
Ruston, Louisiana. Just an average nuclear family, attending college. Oh
me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi writer. --Jason
Troll my message board and I will beat your ass
No Junk
2004-04-11 01:24:11 UTC

I AM a SPAMMER who e-mails people saying 'I am emailing you because we
have been in touch before.'

But that's because I am not worried about spam. Hey it's part of my
busines! That's why I don't mind if I get spammed myself.
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement from
Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing houses
regarding the release of his first full-length book "Growing Up
My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician
You'll love this. I've dropped acid several hundred times, and it
eventually brought on a few bouts of schizophrenia. I used to attribute
every bizarre occurrence to coincidence or schizophrenia. In retrospect,
something more was at work. I must confess to reading David Icke for fun.
Early on, an officer who arrested me on a nonsense charge was soon
thereafter killed by two drunk driving students from Louisiana School for
the Deaf. This was the beginning of a long, strange chain of events.
It's sort of hard to begin to explain schizophrenia. There are a number
of aspects I've experienced. For one, I actually experienced a lot of
books I've read, and movies I've seen. It's sort of a Walter Mitty on
meth. Fun, actually, if it never gets out of hand. Vonnegut, Dick,
Heinlein, King. Each of these writers describes certain aspects, or
influenced my thoughts to a degree.
Some ten years later, I was arrested for sleepwalking across campus
dressed only in a pair of blue Adidas shorts. I had been tripping for a
week or so, at Mardi gras and the honors convention in New Orleans. I had
my first weird "Stephen King" incident, in which I met a New Orleans
professor who looked an awful lot like a very tall King.
So I was accosted as I was walking across campus. Rightly so, I suppose.
But two campus cops were dispatched to talk to me. They say I cursed at
someone as I was walking? Quite possibly, as I was essentially
I more or less began to wake up when confronted by these two police. But
I got a very uncool vibe from the two of them, you might say. Nothing
came to mind so much as a UFO comic I had read in the 70s as a child. It
said something to the effect that the people (a pair?) who approached Lot
for his daughters were in fact aliens. So I guess that stuck with me. I
must point out that I've never considered myself at all religious or even
At any rate, one had glasses and one didn't, and they struck me as quite
odd. A struggle and macing ensued. I spent a few weeks in the local
mental ward, and then jail.
I made a joke about it shortly after I began to recover from a major
freak-out: "They say I bit one cop and punched another one in the
stomach, but I distinctly remember turning into a dinosaur-type thing and
eating them."
Ha ha.
As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but persuaded a
neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in order to evict us
from campus. Almost at the very time I was in the administration offices
answering these false charges, the girl's father, who happened to live a
few houses down from our own residence in that town, had his hand badly
smashed, and his St. Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.
The encounter I had upon the day of our arrival back home was an odd one
indeed. When I had left school, I had also left work. My boss was a
female, and while I don't want to say she had reptilian qualities, she
certainly had unique characteristics. At any rate, while speaking to the
girl's father, and learning he was injured, etc., I "saw" my boss's
persona in another person, a female, who was accompanying him. My ex-
boss, through her, essentially told me to take care of myself. It was
odd, seeing one person's essence inside another in that manner, with such
vivid clarity. Voice, intonation, body gestures, etc. were all that of
another person entirely. This was not the only time this sort of thing
So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was murdered in
the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at the house that
night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it, but I had a really
vivid dream that night. It was essentially a nightmare, involving a
reptilian Stephen King the size and dimension of a refrigerator. But I
didn't pay much attention to that. Because when I went back to campus a
few days later, we were pulled over and questioned in relation to the
campus murder. Thus marking the first time I was loosely associated with
what was termed at the time, a "serial killing".
Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few split-seconds, I
saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like myself, but like a
reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with yellow saurian eyes.
Hmmm. I didn't really think it was a big deal, at the time. When we did
return to campus, I remember locking eyes with a black female, out of a
sizable crowd. She had cat or lizard eyes, and showed me her fangs. This
sort of thing is par for the course for schizophrenia, as far as I can
tell. How else can I explain it all to myself?
Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or I am a
shape-shifting reptilian myself.
So, just as a closer, I then took a trip to Florida. After circumstances
led me to, if I recall, 33rd and Mason?, I actually obtained a bricklayer
job a few days later. As it turns out, I had left my lights on at my
first day of work. A telephone lineman walked by, and a few minutes later
returned. He informed me lights were on, and when I thanked him, he said
"Anything for you, buddy", in a voice that was chillingly that of Stephen
King's, especially his one-liners that he gives in many cameos in his own
Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain. I'm fine now, of course. No
more psychedelics for me. Strange coincidences? Not around here. No cases
of ESP, evidence of mutation. No recent contrails over the town of
Ruston, Louisiana. Just an average nuclear family, attending college. Oh
me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi writer. --Jason
Troll my message board and I will beat your ass
2004-04-12 07:30:05 UTC
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Net "Personality" Jason Gortician today announced his retirement from
Usenet. He is currently negotiating with three publishing houses
regarding the release of his first full-length book "Growing Up
My Life with the Reptilians
Jason Gortician
Yawn... You want a rubber biscuit. You are a kook who worships satan.
Are you ready to deny your satan fantasy yet? If your purpose is to
destroy Christians then you Satanists would be out of a job. Looks
like your big mistake was tangiental thinking. The death of officer
Chuck had nothing to do with your Satan Goat Phukin. You got arrested
for being a freakin KOOK to the cop in the first place. Your Goofball
Head spikes let everyone know you were a fruit. You left out your
expulsion from LSU for being a KOOK. You are always a KOOK and we
really hope you will leave JASON Z. CHRISTIE but somehow I doubt it ,
unless you are planning a Kobaine. However you try to sugar coat your
history of full out total Kookery, those of us who have watched your
antics give you a thumbs down.
ARe you going to erase your stalker files on citizens of usenet?
Are you going to state publically that SATYAN is a fantasy JOKE told
by Christians?
Are you now unpossessed of demons?
Tell us KOOK of a thousand COLORS what you going to do with your
wasted life once y9ou leave usenet.
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
As a side-note, the university barred me from school, but persuaded a
neighbor to attest to a few laughable complaints, in order to evict us
from campus. Almost at the very time I was in the administration offices
answering these false charges, the girl's father, who happened to live a
few houses down from our own residence in that town, had his hand badly
smashed, and his St. Bernard of ten years was shot and killed.
Vegas ODDS would point the finger at YOU KOOK
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
So, the very night we moved back to that house, a girl was murdered in
the apartments on campus. I, in fact, slept alone at the house that
night. Again, I didn't make much of a note of it, but I had a really
vivid dream that night. It was essentially a nightmare, involving a
reptilian Stephen King the size and dimension of a refrigerator. But I
didn't pay much attention to that. Because when I went back to campus a
few days later, we were pulled over and questioned in relation to the
campus murder. Thus marking the first time I was loosely associated with
what was termed at the time, a "serial killing".
Is this where the GIRL comes up dead and you were questioned by
police? That crime was never solved was it?
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Here, I guess, is the kicker. At one point, for a few split-seconds, I
saw in the mirror that I no longer looked like myself, but like a
reptilian version of my ex-boss, replete with yellow saurian eyes.
You are seeing the demon that owens you. Just like I own you on
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Acute paranoid schizophrenia, induced by LSD abuse. Either that or I am a
shape-shifting reptilian myself.
Thats almost what was said in your psych ward report except they added
that you stank, and tried to kick the staff.
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
Like I said, it's weird and hard to explain.
You are wierd and hard to explain.

But please do GO AWAY!
Post by 90% Black Wind of Death
me? I'm, erm, a sci-fi writer. --Jason
You are nothing, never had it, never will.
